Benches 47-63 have been delivered to all the schools in the
Henrico County Varina District as a result of many kindness, and
the story of how it all came about is quite remarkable. A friend of
mine who lost a grandson, put me in touch with her daughter-inlaw
who put me in touch with the Tuckahoe District Board
member. From there, I was put in touch with Alicia Atkins, the
Varina District Board member. And what a dynamo she turned
out to be. If she was running my non-profit, we would have
benches in every school in America!!! Her soul mission has been
kindness, and she has become even more passionate about it
since all the recent unrest and uncertainty. Her district is going all
out in the fall to see that kindness is being spread everywhere
and I am sooooo excited to a part of this process!!! It is with the
greatest of pleasure and enthusiasm that we donate a bench to
EVERY school in the Varina District and can be a part of watching
kindness explode.