Our daughter, Kate, was always known for her kindness toward others, as well as for including everyone, extending a helping hand, and offering encouragement to all she knew. I can think of no greater mission or way to honor her than to create a nonprofit business, kindness4kate.org, that will encourage us to become kinder, more compassionate individuals, in mind, body and spirit. It is my hope that this venture will also raise money for “Kind Acts Touch Everyone” benches that will be given each year to selected schools. These “K.A.T.E.” benches will be our version of buddy/friendship benches….a place where children who are lonely or in need of a friend on the playground can go sit, so that another student can reach out an inclusive hand in kindness. Gosh, don’t we all wish we had such “benches” in our daily lives, a place where friendships are fostered, and a place where we are reminded that kindness matters and can make a difference? After all, that is what Kate was all about. So, Kate, I dedicate all of this to you … this is your immortality and my road toward hope. Funds towards this mission will be raised by direct donations as well as proceeds from the sale of items in the shop.
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