Bench #19

Bench #19
Bench #19 has been donated to Harding Elementary in Blacksburg,Va. as a result of many kindnesses, and the willingness of the APO Service Fraternity to volunteer their time to do a “kindness week” at this school. Rasha Aridi, the daughter of Faissil Aridi of Westwood Fountain, has spearheaded this endeavor and gotten her team so excited about spreading kindness in this school. APO Service Fraternity met with the principal and will be visiting each grade and creating kindness projects with students in the month of April. This is the perfect model for what kindness4kate is about - students mentoring to students and helping them see the value of kind acts. Thank you APO and Rasha for showing us kindness does matter and makes a huge difference!!!

Bench #18 Bench #20